WEDNESDAY connection | 6:30 PM



CHILDREN's ministry






We are a congregation of believers committed to sharing the message of Jesus Christ and guiding others towards faith in Him. As a church, we aim to love those in our community with the same love Christ has given to us. 

The work of Grace Church is aimed at directing others toward Jesus Christ.  Our hope is that they will true the one true God and be transformed by His gracious love for them. Through all we do, say, sing, and teach, we pray that we will shine the light of Jesus Christ to all those we encounter. 

We invite you to try us out this Sunday morning for music that exalts our Savior Jesus Christ and expositional teaching from the Bible.

distinctives of grace church

In addition to our Statement of Faith, these are some important distinctives of Grace Church:


We believe that the gospel—the good news of God’s free and gracious saving activity in Jesus Christ—is the pinnacle of His redemptive acts, the center of the Bible’s story, and the essential message for our faith, life, and witness. We teach that our salvation is totally by God’s sovereign, free and gracious initiative. We are committed to preaching the gospel, singing the gospel, praying the gospel, counseling out of the gospel, and building our churches upon the gospel.


God’s Sovereign Grace in Salvation

Scripture presents the all-glorious, triune God as the source and end of all things, sovereignly working all things according to His will. The Grace of God in justification is an unconditional free gift. The sole means of receiving the free gift of eternal life is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who died on the cross as our substitute, fully satisfying the requirement for our justification, and was raised bodily from the dead. Faith is a personal response, apart from our works, whereby we are persuaded that the finished work of Jesus Christ, His death and resurrection, has delivered us from condemnation and guaranteed our eternal life.



We believe the Holy Spirit desires to continually fill each believer with increased power for Christian life and witness, including the giving of His supernatural gifts for the building up of the church and for various works of ministry in the world.  We believe that all the biblical gifts of the Holy Spirit continue to be distributed by the Spirit today; that these gifts are divine provisions central to spiritual growth and effective ministry; and that these gifts are to be eagerly desired, faithfully developed, and lovingly exercised according to biblical guidelines.  We teach and practice a healthy balance of “Word and Spirit” in our preaching, teaching, and worship.


Pastoral Team Leadership

Jesus Christ reigns as head over His church, and He gives to His church elders to shepherd and lead local churches under His authority.  We operate pastorally with a plurality of elders.


Outreach & Mission

Our gospel-centrality entails not only treasuring the gospel personally but sharing it passionately. The risen Christ commissioned His church to make disciples of all nations. We believe that commission falls to us and to all believers and that it is fulfilled in a primary way through church planting, whereby the gospel is proclaimed, and converts are formed into communities of disciples.


Sunday Morning Worship

10:00 AM

2320 Sleepy Hill Rd.

Lakeland, FL

We are located directly across

from Sleepy Hill Elementary School.